Visual Designer + creative explorer with a background designing online and offline experiences. Currently living in California🌴 More About Me → AllDigitalPrintProductUser Interface ServiceNow K19 CreatorCon | Event Web App Modelo | 2018 FIFA World Cup Merchandise Experience Seattle Opera | Brand Development & Site Redesign zulily | ecommerce retail marketing campaigns Azuqua/Okta | Various SaaS Marketing Products CoinMe | CryptoCurrency Wallet App Protected: Playstation Gear Store | Retail Customer Experience Protected: Indeed | Customer Experience Design Protected: RF-Lambda | UI & VIsual Frontend Redesign Protected: RF-Lambda | UX & Interaction Redesign SkyKick | Product Marketing & Demand Generation Nintex | Product Launch Landing Pages BDA | Art Direction, Layout Design & Execution BDA | Illustration, Packaging & Graphic Design Dope Magazine | Design Direction, Layout & Execution Cove | Brand & Packaging Design ExxonMobil | Retail POP Customer Experience JDesign Home | Brand, Website & Packaging Design Other brands I've happily designed for: